Remove Revisions v1.2.2 Released

Remove Revisions

While revisions can be disabled or limited in number with settings in the wp-config file, there is no way to allow for the deletion of revisions over a certain ago. That is what this plugin allows you to do.

In the options you can set the number of months after which revisions are to be deleted. They can then be deleted at the click of a button or via a cron job running on a daily schedule.

The options also allow you to select the post types (both standard and custom) which can have revisions removed.

Removal of revisions is done using the ClassicPress function to ensure they are done correctly.

This plugin is multisite compatible, with options set on a per site basis.

note Changelog

  • Fix Update Manager View Details link (contributed by xxsimoxx).

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Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Icons v2.1.1 Released


Easily add an icon to a post or page using the [icon] shortcode.

For example, to display the note icon, shortcode usage is [icon=note]; 1,000 icons from the famfamfam Silk collection are included.

Definition of icons can be found at; a settings page also shows all available icons.

Custom cons can be added; if a custom icon with the same name as a standard icon exists, the custom icon will be used.

Shortcodes In Comments can be used to allow flags in comments and Shortcodes In Widgets can allow them in widgets.

This plugin is multisite compatible.

note Changelog

  • Fix Update Manager View Details link (contributed by xxsimoxx).

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Flags v2.1.1 released


Flags allows a scalable SVG flag to be displayed in a post or page using the [flag] shortcode

The shortcode usage is [flag id="gb" width="20px" border="1px solid black"] where the id is the country code shown below; width and border are optional parameters and can be defaulted from the settings. Shortcode usage of [flag="gb"] where default parameters are to be used is also supported.

Definition of flags can be found at Wikipedia page ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (although some additional flags have been included).

Custom flags can be added; if a custom flag with the same name as a standard flag exists, the custom flag will be used.

Shortcodes In Comments can be used to allow flags in comments and Shortcodes In Widgets can allow them in widgets.

This plugin is multisite compatible.

note Changelog

  • Fix Update Manager View Details link (contributed by xxsimoxx).

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Contact Forms v2.0.2 Released

Contact Forms

A simple contact forms plugin with an options page allowing default settings to be configured; these settings can, in most cases, be overridden when adding a contact form to a page. This plugin supports the use of multiple contact forms on a page.

Contact forms can be placed on pages using the simple-contact-form shortcode which supports the following parameters:

  • id is the only mandatory parameter; a unique id for each contact form on the page must be supplied.
  • send-from-email allows the default send from email address to be overridden.
  • send-from-name allows the default send from email name to be overridden.
  • recipients is a comma separated list of email address which allows the default recipients to be overridden.
  • label-name allows the default label for the name field to be overridden.
  • label-email allows the default label for the email field to be overridden.
  • label-subject allows the default label for the subject field to be overridden.
  • label-message allows the default label for the message field to be overridden.
  • subject allows the default subject for the name field to be overridden. If an empty subject is provided, users can free form type a subject. Multiple subjects to allow picking from a drop down list can be supplied, separated with a |.
  • subject-prefix allows a subject prefix to be added to all subjects when the email is sent and override the default.

Example shortcode usage:
[simple-contact-form id="contact-us" recipients="," subject="Sales|Support|Accounts" subject-prefix="Contact us from"]

This plugin is multisite compatible, with options set on a per site basis.

note Changelog

  • Fix Update Manager View Details link (contributed by xxsimoxx).

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Comment Validator v2.0.1 Released

Comment Validator

Checks comment to ensure they are longer than the minimum, shorter than the maximum and also allows comments to be forced into moderation based on length.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site can be set to use network settings or locally defined ones.

note Changelog

  • * Fix Update Manager View Details link (contributed by xxsimoxx).

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

BBCode v2.1.2 Released

Allows users to use standard bbcodes in posts and pages in place of HTML tags.

The following bbcodes can be used:

Center Text:
    [center]centered text[/center]
Font size:
    [size=12pt]12pt font size[/size]
    [size=1.2em]1.2em font size[/size]
    [size=12px]12px font size[/size]
    [img=ClassicPress logo][/img]
Ordered lists:
    [ol]ordered list[/ol]
Unordered lists:
    [ul]unordered list[/ul]
List items:
    [li]list item[/li]
Table Row:
Table Header:
Table data (cell):
    [code]function azc_bbcode_bold($atts, $content = null){ return "".do_shortcode($content).""; }[/code]

Allows users to use standard bbcodes in posts and pages; Shortcodes in Comments can be used to allow bbcodes in comments and Shortcodes in Widgets can allow them in widgets.

This plugin is multisite compatible.

note Changelog

  • Fix Update Manager View Details link (contributed by xxsimoxx)..

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Avatars v2.2.2 Released


Upload a new avatar and set as the default avatar and allow users to upload their own avatar and override the default.

Admin setting allows only use of local avatars; prevents use of Gravatars; if user doesn’t upload their own avatar, a local default is used instead.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

note Changelog

  • Fix Update Manager View Details link (contributed by xxsimoxx).

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Add Twitter Cards v2.0.1 released

Add Twitter Cards

Add Twitter Cards to attach rich photos to Tweets, helping to drive traffic to your website.

Options allow:

  • Card Types of Summary or Summary With Images.
  • Excerpt or first 200 characters of post added to card.
  • Featured Image or first post image will be added to card (subject to configurable minimum size).
  • Integrate with [Floating Featured Images](https:/ for card image.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

note Changelog

  • Fix Update Manager View Details link (contributed by xxsimoxx).

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Add Open Graph Tags v2.0.1 Released

Add Open Graph Tags

Add Open Graph Tags to attach rich photos to social media posts to Facebook or LinkedIn, helping to drive traffic to your website.

Options allow:

  • Card Types of Summary or Summary With Images.
  • Excerpt or first 200 characters of post added to card.
  • Featured Image or first post image will be added to card (subject to configurable minimum size).
  • Integrate with Floating Featured Images for card image.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

note Changelog

  • Fix Update Manager View Details link (contributed by xxsimoxx).

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

SMTP v2.1.2 Released


Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) plugin will intercept the standard wp_mail and send emails via an SMTP server using PHPMAILER.

When activating for the first time, settings can be imported from Easy WP SMTP.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

note Changelog

  • Fix Update Manager View Details link (contributed by xxsimoxx).

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.