BBCode v2.0.1 Released

Allows users to use standard bbcodes in posts and pages in place of HTML tags.

The following bbcodes can be used:

Center Text:
    [center]centered text[/center]
Font size:
    [size=12pt]12pt font size[/size]
    [size=1.2em]1.2em font size[/size]
    [size=12px]12px font size[/size]
    [img=ClassicPress logo][/img]
Ordered lists:
    [ol]ordered list[/ol]
Unordered lists:
    [ul]unordered list[/ul]
List items:
    [li]list item[/li]
Table Row:
Table Header:
Table data (cell):
    [code]function azc_bbcode_bold($atts, $content = null){ return "".do_shortcode($content).""; }[/code]

Allows users to use standard bbcodes in posts and pages; Shortcodes in Comments can be used to allow bbcodes in comments and Shortcodes in Widgets can allow them in widgets.

This plugin is multisite compatible.

note Changelog

  • Fix bug in namespace of Update Client..

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Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Avatars v2.1.1 Released


Upload a new avatar and set as the default avatar and allow users to upload their own avatar and override the default.

Admin setting allows only use of local avatars; prevents use of Gravatars; if user doesn’t upload their own avatar, a local default is used instead.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

note Changelog

  • Fix bug in namespace of Update Client.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

BBCode v2.0.0 Released

Allows users to use standard bbcodes in posts and pages in place of HTML tags.

The following bbcodes can be used:

Center Text:
    [center]centered text[/center]
Font size:
    [size=12pt]12pt font size[/size]
    [size=1.2em]1.2em font size[/size]
    [size=12px]12px font size[/size]
    [img=ClassicPress logo][/img]
Ordered lists:
    [ol]ordered list[/ol]
Unordered lists:
    [ul]unordered list[/ul]
List items:
    [li]list item[/li]
Table Row:
Table Header:
Table data (cell):
    [code]function azc_bbcode_bold($atts, $content = null){ return "".do_shortcode($content).""; }[/code]

Allows users to use standard bbcodes in posts and pages; Shortcodes in Comments can be used to allow bbcodes in comments and Shortcodes in Widgets can allow them in widgets.

This plugin is multisite compatible.

note Changelog

  • Refactor code to use namespace, improve security and improve maintainability.
  • Update language template.
  • Fix bug with azurecurve menu.
  • Update Update Manager to version 2.4.3.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Avatars v2.1.0 Released


Upload a new avatar and set as the default avatar and allow users to upload their own avatar and override the default.

Admin setting allows only use of local avatars; prevents use of Gravatars; if user doesn’t upload their own avatar, a local default is used instead.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

note Changelog

  • Update readme files.
  • Update language template.
  • Fix bug with azurecurve menu.
  • Update Update Manager to version 2.4.3.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Snippets v2.1.4 Released


Allows snippets of HTML, PHP, JavaScript and CSS to be created; an alternative to using a functions.php file or adding styles to a child theme.

Snippets can be used to create re-usable HTML or JavaScript snippets or to create PHP to add_actions or add_filters without needing to add them to the functions.php file or create a plugin.

The following types of snippet can be created:

  • HTML – can be loaded using the shortcode.
  • Internal CSS – automatically added as internal stylesheet.
  • CSS Stylesheet – automatically loaded.
  • Internal JavaScript – automatically added as internal JavaScript.
  • JavaScript File – automatically loaded.
  • PHP – can be loaded using the shortcode.
  • PHP File – automatically loaded.

Shortcode usage is either [snippet id=1013] (where the supplied id value is a snippet post_id) or [snippet slug='hello-world'].

All snippets are loaded only on the site frontend; this protects the admin dashboard from white screen errors caused by badly formed PHP.

note Changelog

  • Fix bug with instructions on settings page not displaying correctly.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Snippets v2.1.3 Released


Allows snippets of HTML, PHP, JavaScript and CSS to be created; an alternative to using a functions.php file or adding styles to a child theme.

Snippets can be used to create re-usable HTML or JavaScript snippets or to create PHP to add_actions or add_filters without needing to add them to the functions.php file or create a plugin.

The following types of snippet can be created:

  • HTML – can be loaded using the shortcode.
  • Internal CSS – automatically added as internal stylesheet.
  • CSS Stylesheet – automatically loaded.
  • Internal JavaScript – automatically added as internal JavaScript.
  • JavaScript File – automatically loaded.
  • PHP – can be loaded using the shortcode.
  • PHP File – automatically loaded.

Shortcode usage is either [snippet id=1013] (where the supplied id value is a snippet post_id) or [snippet slug='hello-world'].

All snippets are loaded only on the site frontend; this protects the admin dashboard from white screen errors caused by badly formed PHP.

note Changelog

  • Fix bug to prevent error if snippet selected in shortcode does not exist.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

To Twitter v1.17.5 Released

To Twitter

To Twitter includes the following functionality;

  • Automatic tweeting of posts and pages to Twitter as they are published.
  • Automatic retweeting of posts and pages a user specified period of time after publication.
  • Scheduled tweeting of posts and pages on a randomly selected basis at a user specified date and time (each day separately configurable).
  • Automatic adding of hashtags to posts and pages (save draft before manually adding any required hashtags).
  • Automatic replacement of word or phrases with hashtags (for example, switch the word ClassicPress for @GetClassicPress).
  • Sending of manual tweets (including tweet threads).
  • Sending of scheduled tweets (including tweet threads) at a user specified date and time.
  • Support for four media images attached to a tweet from posts, pages, manual and scheduled tweets.
  • Integrates with Short URLs) from azurecurve for post and page addresses in tweets.
  • Retain and view tweet history.
  • Links to tweets on Twitter in tweet history.

As scheduled tweets rely on cron for processing, large images can cause timeouts. This can be mitigated by switching off the wp-cron and setting up a cron job on your web host control panel.

This plugin is multisite compatible with each site having its own settings.

note Changelog

  • Fix bug with Exclude from Schedule checkbox on post/page admin pages not populating correctly.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Tag Cloud v1.2.4 Released

Tag Cloud

The plugin integrates with the standard ClassicPress tag cloud, but allows tags to be excluded and easy control of other settings such as min and max font sizes, the sort order and number of tags to include.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site can be set to use network settings or locally defined ones.

note Changelog

  • Fix bug with selected tags not displaying correctly in admin settings page.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Widget Announcements v1.5.3 Released

Widget Announcements

Announce holidays, events, achievements and notable historical figures in a widget.

Announcements can be made:

  • One off
  • Monthly
  • Annually
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Sunday
  • Easter Monday
  • Monthly on the nth day (e.g. 2nd Wednesday)
  • Annually on the nth day of the month (e.g. 4th Thursday November)

Announcements are created as a custom post type and can have details, an image and additional text after the image.

Integrates with To Twitter from azurecurve for automatic tweeting of announcement each time the announcement is made and a retweet after a specified amount of time.

note Changelog

  • Update readme files.
  • Update language template.
  • Fix bug with azurecurve menu.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

URL Shortener v1.5.3 Released

URL Shortener

Create your own fully integrated URL shortener for your posts, pages and custom post types.

Shortcode or function azrcrv_urls_get_custom_shortlink can be called from themes or other plugins to retrieve the custom short URL.

Example shortcode usage:

echo do_shortcode('');

Example function usage:

if (function_exists('azrcrv_urls_get_custom_shortlink')){
    printf(' %s', ''.'Shortlink'.'');

Settings page allows options for short URL generation to be configured.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

note Changelog

  • Update readme files.
  • Update language template.
  • Fix bug with azurecurve menu.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.