SMTP v1.4.3 Released


Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) plugin will intercept the standard wp_mail and send emails via an SMTP server using PHPMAILER.

When activating for the first time, settings can be imported from Easy WP SMTP.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

note Changelog

  • Update readme files.
  • Update language template.
  • Remove unused style related functions.
  • Fix bug with azurecurve menu.
  • Fix issue with PHPMailer caused by ClassicPress v1.4.0 release (contributed by xxsimoxx).

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Load Admin CSS v1.0.2 Released

Load Admin CSS

Change the styling of your admin dashboard with custom CSS.

Options are maintained via a Settings page on the azurecurve menu.

Example CSS usage to change the font size in the textarea:

    font-size: 1.33em;

This plugin is multisite compatible, with options set on a per site basis.

note Changelog

  • Remove incorrect language translation.
  • Add correct language translation.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Nearby v3.0.1 Released


Nearby creates a table of nearby locations (pages) based on GPS co-ordinates.

Nearby integrates with the following’>azurecurve | Development plugins:

  • Flags allows a location to be set for a page; this will display the location flag next to the location name in the table of nearby attractions.
  • Icons allows an icon to be displayed next to a nearby location which has an entry on a timeline (requires integration with Timelines to be enabled).
  • Timelines allows a character (such as *) to be displayed next to a nearby location which has an entry on a timeline.
  • Toggle Show/Hide allows the table of nearby locations to be enclosed with a toggle.

Apply the [nearby] shortcode to a page with co-ordinates and nearby locations (pages with co-ordinates), based on the settings, will be displayed in a table.

The shortcode accepts two parameters:

  • type to limit nearby attractions (multiple types can be provided in comma separated string).
  • title to override the default toggle title.

Example shortcode usage:

[nearby type="Distilleries" title="Nearby Distilleries"]

Examples of this plugin in action:

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

note Changelog

  • Update readme files.
  • update language template.
  • Fix bug with azurecurve menu.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Multisite Favicon v1.2.3 Released

Multisite Favicon

Allows each site in a network to set a distinct favicon. Set a network path and favicon to be used if a favicon is not defined for a site.

This plugin is intended for multisite ClassicPress installations, but will work and allow easy changing of the favicon of single ClassicPress blogs.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

note Changelog

  • Update readme files.
  • update language template.
  • Fix bug with azurecurve menu.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Mobile Detection v1.2.3 Released

Mobile Detection

Plugin providing shortcodes and functions to allow different content to be served to different types of device (Desktop, Tablet, Phone); also includes checks on types of device (iOS, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone) and mobile browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, WebKit).

The following shortcodes are available:

  • ismobile
  • isnotmobile
  • isphone
  • isnotphone
  • istablet
  • isnottablet
  • isios
  • isiphone
  • isipad
  • isandroid
  • iswindowsphone (alternative shortcode iswp)
  • iswindowsmobile (alternative shortcode iswinmo)
  • ischrome
  • isfirefox
  • isie
  • isopera
  • iswebkit
  • istv
  • isconsole

All shortcodes available as functions with an azrcrv_md prefix for calling from themes, other plugins, etc. For example, is_mobile available as function azrcrv_md_is_mobile.

Uses PHP Mobile Detect class, the lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets).

note Changelog

  • Update readme files.
  • update language template.
  • Fix bug with azurecurve menu.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Markdown v2.2.2 Released


Options to enable conversion of markdown in posts, pages or wrap markdown in the [markdown] to have it parsed and converted into HTML markup. Place opening and closing markdown shortcode tags on separate lines to ensure markdown converted correctly.

Uses Parsedown and Parsedown Extra.

This plugin is multisite compatible; settings need to be configured for each site.

note Changelog

  • Update readme files.
  • update language template.
  • Fix bug with azurecurve menu.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Maintenance Mode v1.3.1 Released

Maintenance Mode

Enable maintenance mode to disable the front-end of your ClassicPress site for non-administrators.

Users will only see the configured message; administrators will have full access to the site, but a prominent configurable warning that maintenance mode is enabled will be displayed at the top of every page.

This plugin is multisite compatible with each site having its own settings.

note Changelog

  • Update readme files.
  • update language template.
  • Fix bug with azurecurve menu.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Loop Injection v1.2.4 released

Loop Injection

Allows content to be injected before, within and after the loop. All content is configurable via an admin settings page.

Each of the three content locations can be activated individually and the location within the loop is configurable; perfect for injecting adverts. Shortcodes are supported in Loop Injection.

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

note Changelog

  • Update readme files.
  • update language template.
  • Fix bug with azurecurve menu.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Load Admin CSS v1.0.1 Released

Load Admin CSS

Change the styling of your admin dashboard with custom CSS.

Options are maintained via a Settings page on the azurecurve menu.

Example CSS usage to change the font size in the textarea:

    font-size: 1.33em;

This plugin is multisite compatible, with options set on a per site basis.

note Changelog

  • Update readme files.
  • update language template.
  • Fix bug with azurecurve menu.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.

Insult Generator v1.2.4 Released

Insult Generator

Uses shortcodes which allow a modern or medieval insult to be generated.

This plugin works by providing three shortcodes which can be positioned on a post, page or widget:

  • moderninsult when clicked will generate a modern insult displayed using the displayinsult shortcode.
  • medievalinsult when clicked will generate a medieval insult displayed using the displayinsult shortcode.
  • displayinsult is used to position the insult generated by one of the insult shortcodes.

This plugin is multisite compatible.

note Changelog

  • Update readme files.
  • update language template.
  • Fix bug with azurecurve menu.

arrow_down Download

Download from GitHub to manually install; if you already have the plugin installed, an update will be available in the admin dashboard.

bug Support

If you have any problems to log or features to request, contact me via the ClassicPress Plugin Support Forum or you can log an issue via the GitHub repository.

lightbulb Issues/Ideas

I’m keen to resolve any issues and happy to consider functionality requests, so please get in touch if you want to report a problem or ask for new functionality.